Panties are very popular with callers, both wearing them themselves, and stealing them from various women they know to use for their illicit masturbation sessions and smelling them as they get off. Often the dirtier, sweatier and smellier, the better. It’s amazing they don’t get caught taking the panties from the homes of friends, mother in laws, all sorts of women they are stealing the panties of. Some keep them like souvenirs. Many have told me they keep panties of their ex girlfriends, like a trophy of sorts. Panties, that most intimate garment of all, that rests against a woman’s pussy and her very essence soaks into it, leaving it smelling like she does, it’s just irresistible to most men.
Some that enjoy wearing them themselves will go to great lengths. One man that calls has had expensive fine silk lingerie made for himself, of panties, garters, all kinds of things and he wears them under his clothes at work and no one knows about it. His clients and co workers have no idea about his fine silk French underthings, and it makes him feel very naughty and sometimes masturbation breaks take place during his lunch hour at work in secret.
It’s odd that men are so attracted to them, I would stake my life there’s not an equal number of women wearing men’s underwear. Some perhaps, that are not liking being a woman, but with men, we phone sex girls hear it so often, it’s almost common place and nothing to bat an eye at. Panties and stockings and heels are very special for many men, the relish dressing up in secret at home where they then masturbate wearing their secret, forbidden garments, away from prying eyes. They do love the feel of the fabrics, the cut of the material, and knowing they are engaging in their own secret, deviant behavior.