religious blasphemy, Christ, Jesus, religion, church

One of my callers was asking if I got many calls for religious blasphemy phone sex and I said not a lot, but a few a year from ones usually raised in more strict religious households, where it was rammed down their throats and they were forced to go to church and it seemed to be a way they rebelled against it. I wonder what their ultra religious moms would think if they knew their beloved sons were paying phone sex line girls to call out things like “Jesus, Fucking Christ!” as their sons masturbated? They’d probably be horrified and in a state of disbelief.

Some that are even men of the cloth have called, ministers, Vicars, ones that do this for a living, yet get a real charge out of having someone make fun of their religion or religion in general. Personally I’m an atheist, so making fun of their imaginary sky father doesn’t faze me in the least, I think it’s comical they buy into this load of crap, so ya, I’m happy to make fun of you and your fairy tales as you jerk off. Ever want to masturbate in church? Some certainly have, and not only have they, but they rinsed their hands covered in cum in the *gasp* holy water! You’re going to hell for that one! LOLOLOL!

You think the priests listening to the confessions of all the hot, sex they don’t approve of are maybe jerking off on their side of the confessional? They just might be, you never know. Some have even mentioned cuming on the bible as they cum, covering the Lord’s word in their ejaculate, they are blasphemers, there isn’t a doubt, they get off on doing it in what they think is a disrespectful way in accordance with how they were raised. Silly religious nuts, come on, give us sinning ladies a call and let us make fun of you as you jerk off!
